Channel: She Cooks
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: bread omelette sandwichdinner recipeskids snackssnacks recipesinstant snacks recipesomelette bread reicpessandwich recipesinstant breakfastlunch box recipesbread recipessandwichsandwich recipes indianinstant dinner recipes10 mins breakfast recipesbread omelette recipebreakfast recipesinstant snacksbread omelette recipe or omelet sandwichkids lunch box recipeskids recipesbread omelette recipesomelette toastinstant breakfast recipes
Description: Thank you for watching this recipe video! Please like, and subscribe to my channel! Like us on Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – YouTube - Instagram – 10 Minutes Recipes | Quick & Easy Breakfast Recipe | Instant Breakfast Recipe | Egg Toast Recipe | Bread Recipes Ingredients: 2 Eggs 2 Slice of Bread 2 Tbsp Onion 1 Green Chili Coriander Leaves 1/4 Tsp Salt 1/4 Tsp Pepper Powder 1/4 tsp Garam Masala Powder Cheese Slice Cheddar Cheese Butter #eggbreadtoast #breadrecipes #instantbreakfastrecipes